‘Kingsman 2’ Title Revealed Along with Plot Details and Concept Art

The sequel to the critically and commercially successful breakout hit of 2015, Kingsman: Secret Service is moving along quite nicely. Scheduled to begin shooting in April, the action and humor heavy spy flick has been gilded an official name. According to Empire Magazine, the film is to be called Kingsman: The Golden Circle. Empire also revealed some concept art, with bit of context into each one. We will continue to follow the antics of Gary “Eggsy” Urwin (played by Taron Egerton). Mark Strong also makes his return as Kingsman senior Merlin, and it has been rumored that Colin Firth will make his way into this film in some fashion. After an Attack on Kingsman HQ, Eggsy and Merlin head stateside to enlist the help from the Statesman, an American spy organization lead by “swaggering, sharpshooting cowboy” called Jack and a woman named Ginger (played by Halle Berry). Seen below is decimated Kingsman HQ, the headquarters of the Statesman, a Kingsman Cab, which is a presumed subaquatic Taxi the Kingsman use, and Poppyland, the evil hidden lair of the film’s main villain Poppy (played by Julianne Moore).

Matthew Vaughn is making his return as the film’s director, but was very close to passing on it.

I didn’t know if I wanted to direct this or not. I was worried about the villain. Spy films are only as good as their villains. Then one morning I woke up with the whole storyline in place, and a new villain plot.

Vaughn also commented on the question many will have as to how he intends to follow up that spectacular church fight scene.

You try not to read what people want, but they do want another church sequence. I have no reason for another massacre to happen. But I have other sequences you’ve never seen before.

Rumors as to what Vaughn is referring to include a skiing sequence, a barroom brawl, robot dogs, one-armed henchmen, and the heroes being attacked by what Vaughn calls, “a massive f***ing frankfurter.” Kingsman: The Golden Circle is scheduled for a Summer 2017 release date.

Nick Maleki: Sophomore at USC, part time news writer for Mxdwn Movies, and huge lover of film!
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