Despite COVID still ripping through major parts of the world right now, it appears that Warner Bros are trying their hardest to see their upcoming Christopher Nolan blockbuster Tenet get a theatrical release. Whether or not this is a good or bad call has yet to be seen, but one must acknowledge the moxxy Warner Bros has to try and get Tenet a release during these troubling times.
Other than another Christopher Nolan movie, which should be a huge draw all on its own, it appears Warner Bros are pulling a different trick up their sleeve: they plan on showing the first full length trailer for their wildly anticipated Dune movie. This move has most likely been done to draw in more viewers and fans to the theaters as Dune is currently being seen as the next big franchise — a hype only increased after the first stills of the movie were released online.
Although there is a major catch to this piece of news.
The trailer will only be shown in select showings of Tenet, so not every showing will have the trailer. According to sources, from August 31st to September 9th, the only place to find the Dune trailer will be inside a movie theater. Now sure, waiting a week and half for a trailer to premiere online may not seem like a lot, but for this fan, it is. And it hurts even more when the nearest open theater — to said fan — is 165 miles away.
But to each their own, I suppose.
Tenet is set to premiere on the 31st of August and Dune is set to premiere December 18th, 2020.