The fourth installment of Marvel’s most popular deity is at long last starting its marketing campaign with interviews, billboards across the globe, and of course, its first trailer. We’re going to be dissecting the one-and-a-half-minute-long video frame by frame to figure out what to expect in Thor’s latest adventure.
0.02 The teaser trailer for Thor: Lover And Thunder had finally dropped just when fans and media were starting to wonder what was causing the delay. The movie trailer begins with a little boy running as fast as he can in a forest. The boy grows up to be Thor, who continues to run through the forest, but there is something different about him. Chris Hemsworth can be seen wearing a classic outfit from the 1970s comics with a helmet that has white wings on each side. This could be a throwback to a younger Thor or possibly even a different Thor altogether, given that multiverse exploration is the main theme in both the Disney+ show Loki and the upcoming Doctor Strange 2 movie.
0.09 Next up, we see the God of Thunder wearing his traditional red cape but with a slight variation carrying wolf fur on his shoulders. Hemsworth’s voice can be heard uttering, “These hands were once used for battle, now they’re but humble tools for peace” as he digs a small hole in the earth to plant his ax “Stormbreaker.” For those who remember watching Avengers: Infinity War, the axes handle is made out of Groot’s own wooden arm. Maybe by planting the ax, a new Groot can grow.
0.15 “I need to figure out exactly who I am. I want to choose my own path. Live in the moment,” says the Odinson as “Sweet Child of Mine” by Guns N’ Roses rises thunderously while he is meditating and working out with giant chains to get back into godly shape. 0.37 He continues to explain, “My superhero-ing days are over,” as he parts ways with Peter Quill and the rest of the Guardians Of The Galaxy in the middle of a battle. Thor’s stony alien friend Korg will be back in this new film as well with some newly added Asgardian swag.
0.40 New Asgard will definitely have some importance in the film, as we see it a couple of times throughout the trailer. In the actual Norse mythology, Thor’s chariot is pulled by two magical goats that take him from one place to another of the seven realms of Yggdrasil. That is precisely what is happening in the next frame as Thor merrily travels from Midgard (Earth) to New Asgard to the Olympus.
0.45 In the overlay of the trailer, the letters say, “Not every god has a plan,” while we see Thor kissing a blue-haired Pirate lady, space-traveling using his hammer as the Bifrost, and eventually ending up in the realm of the Greek Gods where none other than Zeus played by Russell Crowe shows off his powers. 0.52 In short, Thor is living life to the fullest now that he feels free from his responsibilities both as a leader of Asgard and as a former Avenger.
0.55 The Norse god and his sidekick Korg can be seen in the next few frames, high-fiving, or more like high-tening and discovering new mysterious places, such as a giant monster skeleton on top of a snowy mountain, before turning the attention back to Valkyrie. It remains unclear from the trailer what her role will be in the film besides being the leader of New Asgard.
1.03 “Remember what I told you. You ever feel lost, just look into the eyes of the people that you love,” says Chris Pratt while Chris Hemsworth hilariously tries to make eye contact with him. There clearly seems to be a parting of ways between Thor and the Guardians of the Galaxy crew. It is unclear where exactly this break-up is happening since there will be tons of space-traveling, but it could possibly be Sakaar.
1.25 The final image of the long-awaited teaser is by far the most jaw-dropping moment of the trailer. The magical hammer Mjolnir is flying unbroken in one piece into the hands of a female Thor. Thor’s hammer had previously been destroyed by his half-sister Hela, the goddess of death, when she took over Asgard in Thor: Ragnarok. But more importantly, Jane Foster, played by Natalie Portman, is wielding godly powers with Mjolnir in hand and wearing the God of Thunder’s own armor and iconic red cape with a classic Norse helm. A full article on top of this one could be written on speculations and fan theories of what this means for the Marvel multiverse. Is she the same Jane Foster of the MCU? Is she a female incarnation from another reality of Thor, much like Sylvie was the female counterpart of Loki in the Disney+ show? How did she gain Thor’s powers and be worthy of Mjolnir? Is the What If… series a must-watch to understand what is going on in phase four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
As teaser trailers go, Thor: Love And Thunder does a fantastic job at leaving fans gasping and begging to know more. Chris Hemsworth seems to truly enjoy himself in this fourth episode of the Norse god, unchained of any responsibility and free to roam the galaxy to live all kinds of fantastic adventures. Loyal Marvel followers will have to wait until the film’s scheduled release date to know the whole story. The movie is set to come out this summer on July 8th.
Watch the teaser trailer below: