RAI Cinema International Distribution Picks Up Hamas War Drama ‘Of Dogs And Men’

Italian film sales unit RAI Cinema International Distribution (RCID) picked up the October 7th bombing war drama Of Dogs and Men. In addition to taking international sales rights, the RCID is currently shopping the feature around in Cannes for potential buyers.

The film follows 16-year-old Israeli Dar who returns to her old settlement after the bombings to search for her missing dog. Along the way, she will meet a variety of people who were impacted by the attack on both the Israel and Palestine sides of the border. She soon must grapple with those who desire revenge and those who still try to believe in humanity’s inner beauty.

Of Dogs and Men was shot on location in an Israeli settlement on the border of Gaza from October to November 2023 after the bombings occurred. Through non-actors present at the time and scant film equipment, writer-director Dani Rosenberg sought to portray the struggles and humanity of those who suffered from the Hamas attack.

Producer Alexander Rodnyansky thanked the RCID for helping give Of Dogs and Men a chance to shine in cinema. He called the movie “a very powerful anti-war statement” due to how it expertly maneuvers “the tragedy of suffering and the endless circle of violence in the region.” “This is a film on one of the most sensitive subjects done with talent and grace, and I am happy that the team of RAI Cinema shares this belief with me,” Rodyansky said.

The Cannes Film Festival is attempting to avoid politics and has delegated films revolving around this topic to private screenings. Even this method has proven to be flimsy based on how they canceled the IDF-produced film Bearing Witness screening due to “security risks.“ It’s unknown if Of Dogs and Men will have a similar response, though Rosenberg will still be able to share her passionate work with attendees. If she succeeds, she may be able to share a heart-wrenching story about the realities of war and its fallout and how they relate to the ongoing Israel-Palestine war.

James Volonte: James Volonte is a budding writer who is eager to learn about the film industry firsthand. A fairly recent graduate from the University of Oklahoma, he has worked to gain as much experience as possible in entertainment. With a degree in Film and Media Studies and participation in the Student Film Production Club, he is able to look at the business from different angles. Since he graduated, he has worked on sets of films like Honey Boy and Ghostlight. Additionally, he has helped with rigs for various venues under the Emergent Theatre Technologies company. With these experiences, he hopes to become a filmmaker and create his own stories to share with the world.
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