Neon has picked up another new horror movie for their distribution lineup. Michael Shanks’ Together will be distributed by Neon. Together follows a couple who, in an attempt to revitalize their relationship, go on a vacation to spend time together. But it takes an unexpected turn after otherworldly elements begin to plague them, causing strange occurrences.
Alison Brie and Dave Franco lead the cast, with supporting roles filled out by Damon Herriman, Jack Kenny, Sunny S. Walia, and Mia Morrissey. Franco and Brie are also serving as producers on the film, along with Erik Feig, Max Silva, Andrew Mittman, Julia Hammer, Mike Cowap, and Tim Headington. Director Shanks is pulling double duty on Together, with him writing the screenplay as well. Shanks wrote and directed two short films in the past, 2014’s Time Trap and 2019’s Rebooted.
As stated earlier, this is another horror film that Neon will be offering from their catalog. Some of their other horror titles encompass films such as Cuckoo, Infinity Pool, and In The Earth.
Hollywood Reporter noted that Together was able to secure a place at Neon after its debut at the Sundance Film Festival, and is one of the first films there to do so this year.