Gavin Newsom, Governor of California, is attempting to generate solutions to help keep film and television productions based within California. This comes after many projects have started in California, but have moved to other states.
Most of the projects that move out of California, which includes titles like Supergirl and MasterChef, have switched to other states for higher tax credits, which is pushing Newsom to reevaluate California’s tax credits, and reshape them to help incentivize keeping productions in California.
Hollywood Reporter noted that the push for the higher tax credits, which have not been finalized as of yet, comes at a time where productions in Los Angeles and nearby areas are at a low. They noted as well that there has been a very slow return to work following last years WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes, which compounded the issue.
Reportedly, if this plan comes to pass, it could put California back on the top when it comes to the tax incentives for productions. The only other state it comes in behind in Georgia, which Hollywood Reporter stated doesn’t have a capacity.
With jobs for those aiming to find work within productions, this was a key issue that the Directors Guild of America raised when addressing Newsom, alongside competing with the perks of producing elsewhere.
Rebecca Rhine of the DGA said that the incentives suggested by Newsom could lead to more productions staying in California, stating that it provides an “important acknowledgment” to the ongoing issue.
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