Adventure Time, one of Cartoon Network’s most popular shows, is reportedly getting the feature-length treatment. According to Deadline, Warner Bros. is in talks with Cartoon Network Studios to create an animated feature based on the series, which centers on the adventures of 12-year-old Finn and his dog Jake in the magical, post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo. Along with series creator Pendleton Ward, who has signed on as a writer and producer, the Adventure Time film crew will include producers Chris McKay and Roy Lee, who previously worked together on The LEGO Movie. They’ll also be teaming up for an upcoming LEGO Movie spinoff, The LEGO Batman Movie, with McKay directing and Lee producing.
With its zany, surreal, and often dark humor, Adventure Time has developed a devoted fan base of children and adults alike, and a good deal of critical praise (including two Emmy Awards) to boot. Though its 11-minute episodes may not seem like a lot to work from, the show’s vast mythology and backstory should provide more than enough source material for a full feature.