With the Cannes Film Festival speeding ahead, there are numerous works currently being showcased from both new and old directors. And having your film chosen to be one of the opening acts is even better. Along with the many other acclaimed filmmakers involved is Steven Spielberg. His new film The BFG is an adaptation of the novel by Roald Dahl, telling the story of a friendly giant (Mark Rylance) who happens upon a young girl. Before the festival began Disney released a full-length trailer, but the after the premiere yesterday they have given us a second peek at its beautiful world.
The new trailer is quite similar to the first, in that it shows off the imaginative (and gorgeously rendered) visual design. The BFG uses highly sophisticated motion-capture technology, resembling Spielberg’s recent film The Adventures of Tintin. The technology allows for an almost exact duplication of an actor’s look and movement, especially in the case of Rylance’s performance as the giant. The film feels reminiscent of Spielberg’s fantasy of works of the 1980s and 1990s, which is no surprise after having just done two historical period dramas in a row.
The BFG should appeal to both children and adults, alike, and looks like it will be filled with magic, wonder and dazzling imagery. It’s the type of film that plays directly into Spielberg’s wheelhouse, and with such a talented cast backing him up will no doubt make this one a fantastic ride.
The BFG opens in theaters on July 1, 2016. In the meantime, check out the new trailer below.