The Prom is a musical that debuted back in 2016, and was created by Jack Viertel, Matthew Sklar, Bob Martin and Chad Beguelin. The plot of The Prom follows a lesbian high school student who’s prohibited from taking her girlfriend to her school’s prom. Fortunately for the couple, four broadway legends learn about their situation through the news, and travel to their small town in order to help the girls and earn some good press for themselves.
Several of the film’s cast members have already been announced including Oscar winner Meryl Streep, who will be playing the washed up broadway star Dee Dee Allen. James Corden has also been cast as Dee Dee’s co-star Barry Glickman. Other cast members include Awkwafina, Nicole Kidman, Keegan-Michael Key, Andrew Rannells, and Ariana Grande.
Key has been cast as the principal of the school, Awkwafina will be playing the publicist of Streep’s character, while Rannells and Kidman are playing broadway actors Trent Oliver and Angie Dickinson respectively. Ryan Murphy will of course be directing The Prom, which is set to come out in September of 2020.