“I solemnly vow to love you faithfully, forsaking all others. I promise to trust and respect you and to keep you safe for as long as we both shall live. All that I have is now yours.” (Christian to Ana)
This is how the final installment opens, picking up where Fifty Shades Darker left off, with Christian and Anastasia’s wedding. Now the major focus of the movie is adjusting to life as a married couple. Anastasia (Dakota Johnson) has her own challenges as she is getting used to her new name, challenges that reflect back on Christian (Jamie Dornan) as he too is adjusting to life after the dominatrix life. But there is one catch, Jack is back and out for revenge, though it’s not the revenge we think – i.e. wanting Anastasia. There is a darker secret as we uncover more into Christian’s past that centers around his life in the foster care system. That, combined with the startling revelation of Ana’s unexpected pregnancy, is enough to send chills down your spine as the audience doesn’t know what to expect, unless you’ve read the book.
Fans will be pleasantly happy with the conclusion as it stays true to the book, as kudos should be given to both the directing and writing. Each scene was perfectly crafted and flowed so that nothing seemed out of the ordinary, at least nothing that the audience doesn’t expect. The sex scenes were steamy but in good taste and manageable and the chemistry between both Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson is so realistic, one can definitely see that there is something there even if it’s just great acting. Johnson’s iconic “biting her lip” was evident in this one and painted a picture of intrigue and we also saw a change in character beyond the name change; Johnson matured in her acting against her male counterpart.
There was still a hint of BDSM thrown in for the sake, but what was shown only added to the passion that Christian and Anastasia clearly have between one another. It also gives the audience an ending of hope that love is possible even when one partner has a dark past, that we can move on and live freely with the one that has stuck with us, though only a few short months, true love is eternal.
Verdict: 4 out of 5
The last installment in the Fifty Shades of Grey franchise, based on the book by E.L James, is out in theaters and fans will be pleased with “the climax” when they see it in theaters. It does move quite fast from beginning with the wedding to the surprise of 3-4 weeks pregnant, which might seem a little odd, however to quote Anastasia, “You have a lot of sex, you get pregnant.” That aside, it is a rather entertaining movie for a limited audience. It’s not for the faint at heart. as the film is rated “R” and thus viewer discretion is strongly advised. None the less, it is a classic love story with a semi-erotic twist.