Everyone’s favorite play doll comes to life in this live-action Barbie film directed by Greta Gerwig. The story began in a world known as Barbie Land where everything was picture-perfect and glamorous. Every day was always perfect and Barbie (Margot Robbie) was the epitome of perfection – her long, blonde hair, flawless complexion, and an array of stylish outfits made her the ultimate icon. That was until Barbie’s heels went flat and a mysterious portal to the ‘real world’ opened. With the chance to visit, Barbie ventures far far away from home and gets struck with the reality of the not-so-perfect world of Los Angeles, California. Oh, and not to forget, Ken (Ryan Gosling) joins the journey and, for the first time, witnesses men in positions of authority rather than women. Their lives change forever as they now know of the ‘real world’ which propels them to seek equilibrium amidst these two contrasting realms.
The ensemble cast boasts a captivating lineup of accomplished and renowned stars. Leading the pack, Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling, and Will Ferrell deliver stellar performances that truly illuminate the screen throughout the film. Both Barbie and Ken are candidly portrayed just as stereotypically as we all would imagine them to be, thereby establishing the film’s genuine connection to the original dolls. Adding to the film’s charm, numerous cameos make delightful appearances, giving the film an extra dose of liveliness.
Along with the acting, the film’s soundtrack is also deserving of applause. With major industry names, to special Barbie lyrics matching scenes perfectly, the movie’s soundtrack is totally memorable and catchy.
Furthermore, the impeccable special effects seamlessly transport the audience into the heart of the story, while the breathtaking scenery of Barbie Land is a masterful creation, making it truly feel like you are stepping into a flawless, miniature dollhouse.
I came into the movie, wearing pink obviously, and excited and anticipated a new feminine-themed film that would encourage young women to embrace their feminine aspects. But after watching it, I feel like I did not come out of the movie with that same thought; rather, I was left with a sadder tone.
To be honest, Barbie turned out to be less upbeat and inspiring than I initially anticipated. The film delves into genuine human struggles and the complexities of the ‘real world,’ with its own set of burdens. Contrary to the usual expectations of a young and girly movie, Barbie posed thought-provoking questions about emotions, the patriarchy, and even the fundamental meaning of life. Overall, it was a lot for a Barbie movie, but I think that the audience enjoyed that. Personally, I just feel that the conclusion could have been reached with a touch more elegance.
Score: 4 stars out of 5.
All in all, the film proved to be an enjoyable and worthwhile cinematic experience. I think that many people can connect with Barbie not only because of the dolls we remember, but the memories surrounding Barbie. It portrays a story that explores the interplay between perfection and imperfection, the beauty of authenticity, and the impact of stepping out of one’s comfort zone. The film showcased an array of enjoyable characters, a well-structured storyline that was easy to follow, and a vibrant pink-dominated world that was truly enchanting.