An extended TV spot for George Miller’s Mad Max: Fury Road has surfaced. In it, our titular hero – played by Tom Hardy (Locke) – contemplates his own sanity as he’s being chased. With the spot comes two shorter spots (which you can see here and here), as well as a new poster featuring Mad Max (Hardy) and the Imperator Furiosa (Charlize Theron).
If all the footage from the film up until this point has made it seem like one big, long chase sequence, that’s because it is. Director George Miller (Happy Feet) has said previously that the film is a “hundred and ten minute chase sequence,” and these spots do nothing to dispel the notion.
It was announced earlier this month that Fury Road would be premiering at the Cannes Film Festival, which came as something of a surprise to many. Although the film will be screened out of competition, it shows a tremendous vote of confidence by Cannes to screen Mad Max to audiences at a festival not known for its history of high-wire, action fueled productions. That screening will take place May 14th, meaning audiences here in the U.S. will be able to read about the early response out of Cannes, and watch it the following night – as its theatrical release is May 15th.
Mad Max: Fury Road also stars Charlize Theron (A Million Ways to Die in the West), Nicholas Hoult (X-Men: Days of Future Past), and Zoe Kravitz (Dope).