Sony Pictures Classics has released a new trailer for their upcoming journalism thriller Truth starring Robert Redford (A Walk in the Woods) and Cate Blanchett (Carol). Based on the memoir by former 60 Minutes producer Mary Mapes, the film follows the drama surrounding the 2004 news story alleging that former President George W. Bush used his father’s political position to avoid being drafted into the Vietnam War.
The film is the directorial debut for James Vanderbilt who has worked as a writer on a number of big films including Zodiac, The Amazing Spider-Man series and the upcoming sequel Independence Day 2. Truth also stars Topher Grace (American Ultra), Elisabeth Moss (Queen of Earth), and Dennis Quaid (Vantage Point).
Redford famously played Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward in All the President’s Men, who famously uncovered the Nixon Watergate scandal. Whereas Woodward is a heroic symbol for journalism, the scandal involving the 60 Minutes story cost Dan Rather and producer Mary Mapes their careers.
Truth is sure to drum up the awards profile for Blanchett who is currently getting a lot of hype for her role in the upcoming domestic drama Carol. Even if Truth doesn’t light the awards world on fire, it will certainly raise the film world’s Blanchett-awareness at the right time.
Truth premiered at the Toronto Film Festival and is set release October 16. Check out the trailer below courtesy of Yahoo!.