‘The Raid 2’ Has a U.S. Release Date


Go ahead and guess where that hammer’s going

After holding on with bated breath, we now know when this year’s most highly anticipated Indonesian martial arts film is coming to the US. Call it The Raid 2, Berandal, The Raid 2: Berandal, or The Raid 2: Retaliation; call it whatever you want, but know that you’ll be able to see director Gareth Evans’ (The RaidV/H/S 2 short “Safe Haven”) sure-to-be-epically-violent silat-fest (silat = Indonesian martial arts) in theaters March 28, next year.

According to twitch, the film’s American distributors, Sony Pictures Classics and Stage 6 Films will release the film, “start[ing] with the major markets first, watch the numbers, then roll out to more and more cities as the weeks progress.” If you just can’t wait to see some non-American-sytled action – i.e. action without rapid jump-cuts, wherein you can actually tell what’s happening on screen – and you don’t mind spending the money on plane tickets or gasoline, you can head over to the Sundance Film Festival in January, where The Raid 2 will receive its world premiere.

If you want to know more about The Raid 2, you can check out some of our past coverage on it. But briefly, here are some the things you can expect a film of this sort to offer: people punching things, people kicking things, people smashing things over things, people smashing things into things, things cutting off things, things being embedded into things, and things being broken in ways you never imagined were possible.


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