Akira, one of the most iconic anime films of all time has had a live action adaptation in the works for years now. It seemed that the project was becoming closer and closer to actualization with cult director Taika Waititi on board to helm the project and a release date scheduled for May 21st, 2021. However, due to typical development issues, it seems like audiences will have to wait even longer for Akira as Waititi has shifted gears to another high profile project.
Waititi will return to the Marvel property he once saved by directing the fourth movie in the Thor franchise. Waititi being signed on to Thor 4 was to be expected considering the high praise of Thor Ragnarok, which he also directed. However, working on Thor means putting off Akira. Warner Bros wants to make the film as true to his initial vision as possible and has agreed to shelve the project until Waititi is finished with Thor 4 to complete his vision on the anime adaptation.
Regardless of the delay in Akira, it will be assuring to fans that WB and Waititi want to make this upcoming remake to be as good as possible. They may have to wait till after a fourth Thor feature, but once Thor 4 is out, fans will not have to wait too much longer for this long awaited Akira reboot.