With a script written by Tyler Hisel, director Ron Howard has been set by Paramount to direct the upcoming action thriller The Fixer. Howard and his partner Brian Grazer’s production company Imagine Entertainment, Joint Effort’s Bradley Cooper and Todd Philips, and Andrew Panay, will all produce the film. A production start date, release date, and casting decisions has not been updated yet, as the director has just recently joined the studio.
The Fixer centers around the true story of a disgraced FBI agent tapped by the CIA to lead a ragtag team of CIA operatives and Chicago mobsters during the peak of the Cold War. His only mission? To assassinate Fidel Castro, the Cuban communist revolutionary, guerilla leader and dictator for nearly five decades.
After recently finishing the production of Hillbilly Elegy, Howard’s first Netflix feature film, his next directing project is most likely The Fixer and remains a top priority, according to Variety. Hillbilly Elegy stars Amy Adams, Glenn Close, Haley Bennett, Freida Pinto, and Gabriel Basso, and is also an adaptation of bestselling non-fiction book by J.D. Vance. Howard’s most notable directorial works include the 2018 sequel of the Star Wars series Solo, The Da Vinci Code (2006), Inferno (2016), and Apollo 13 (1995).