A fan-made proof-of-concept trailer titled Small Soldiers: War for the Nekron imagines a thrilling modern reboot of the iconic film 25 years after its release. Created by Comadran Studios using Unreal Engine 5, this five-minute video showcases an action-packed sequel that takes the concept of toys coming to life to new heights.
Directed by Joe Dante, Small Soldiers displayed the battle between the Commando Elite, led by Chip Hazard (voiced by Tommy Lee Jones), and the monstrous yet gentle Gorgonites, led by Archer (voiced by Frank Langella). Equipped with military-grade microprocessor chips, the toy soldiers turned playtime into a fierce conflict.
In the fan film, Space Elite action figure Ray Razor receives orders from “CHIPHZRD” to neutralize the Necronite threat. Razor assembles her army, including pyromancer Prick Pyro and the dual gun-wielding Death Bullet, transforming a closed toy shop into a warzone. The five-minute trailer offers a glimpse into the intense battles of this modern-day Small Soldiers reboot.
Attempts were made to continue the Small Soldiers franchise. In 2007, a sequel was commissioned but never materialized. Another project, Toymageddon, helmed by Justin Lin, never made it past development. However, the original film’s legacy remains strong, grossing $87.5 million and featuring a talented cast.
Small Soldiers: War for the Nekron presents an exciting vision of a contemporary reboot. With impressive visual effects and an engaging storyline, this fan film captivates audiences, reigniting interest in the world of toy warfare. While official sequels have yet to materialize, the enduring appeal of the original film continues to fuel excitement and imagination for the potential of a modern Small Soldiers revival.