Robin Williams’ Wife Reveals He Had Early-Stage Parkinson’s

In a public statement today, late comedian and actor Robin Williams’ wife Susan Scheider offered thanks for the outpouring of warmth that has come since Williams’ death on Monday. She also offered further details, saying that Williams did not commit suicide as a result of substance abuse, and that although he had not yet made it public, he was suffering from the early stages of Parkinson’s Disease.

“Robin spent so much of his life helping others. Whether he was entertaining millions on stage, film or television, our troops on the frontlines, or comforting a sick child — Robin wanted us to laugh and to feel less afraid.

Since his passing, all of us who loved Robin have found some solace in the tremendous outpouring of affection and admiration for him from the millions of people whose lives he touched. His greatest legacy, besides his three children, is the joy and happiness he offered to others, particularly to those fighting personal battles.

Robin’s sobriety was intact and he was brave as he struggled with his own battles of depression, anxiety as well as early stages of Parkinson’s Disease, which he was not yet ready to share publicly.

It is our hope in the wake of Robin’s tragic passing, that others will find the strength to seek the care and support they need to treat whatever battles they are facing so they may feel less afraid.”

Parkinson’s Disease is an affliction of the nervous system that severely affects movement. Hand tremors are most commonly associated with the ailment, but it can also lead to difficulties walking and slurred, slow speech.

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