- Russell Crowe as Noah
Mxdwn Movies has been covering Darren Aronofsky’s Noah for a little while now. The epic based on the titular Biblical figure has had its ups and downs – i.e. Aronofsky fighting for the final cut of his picture – but regardless of any troubles, Noah is still due for a March 28 release next year. And, in anticipation, an international trailer has arrived.
If nothing else, the trailer reminds us that this is Aronofsky’s most expensive film to date; compare Noah‘s $130 million budget with that of one of Aaronfosky’s previous (and second most expensive) pictures, The Fountain which cost a “mere” $35 million. Now we can at least see the money was not wasted in special effects department. We get falling meteoroids, flaming swords, thousands of animals congregating (and presumably more in the full picture), and, of course, a spectacular looking flood. Along with the impressive sights we have Russel Crowe’s scowling Noah, who is “not alone,” Anthony Hopkins’ doomsaying Methuselah, and Jennifer Connelly’s Naameh, who looks impressed by all the proceedings. One interesting thing to note: if one was not familiar with the Biblical story the film is based, they might think when Crowe says, “he’s going to destroy the world” that he is referring to Ray Winstone’s Tubal-cain, the film’s main antagonist, rather than the Judeo-Christian God.
If the trailer and the finished film manage to entertain with its nice visuals and impressive cast, Aronofsky and Noah‘s studio, Paramount may not have to worry about attracting just a faithful crowd.