Justin Lin’s Star Trek Beyond is already shaping up to be a noticeably different take on the science-fiction franchise, diverting far from the past two installments by J.J. Abrams. Beyond is full of color, exploration and mystery, which is not to say Abrams’ films did not possess those qualities, but Lin’s fresh take should make for a vividly fun viewing. After two trailers and a few intriguing interviews with the cast so far, it’s not too long before we get a wider peek at Beyond.
Paramount had just recently unveiled a couple character posters, and that seemed like that was all we were going to get for time being. But, they have just released an international poster that features more color, beautiful imagery, and some nice shots of both new and old characters. The posters have Spock (Zachary Quinto), Bones (Karl Urban), Chekov (Anton Yelchin), and newcomer Jaylah (Sofia Boutella). Then, finally, the new ensemble shot shows off Kirk (Chris Pine), Scotty (Simon Pegg), and Uhura (Zoe Saldana).
It’s a stacked cast with a lot of great potential. It will be interesting to see how Lin handles this latest installment, as well as how this will lead us into future films. By the look of the footage and these new posters, Beyond could easily become one of the summer’s best. In the meantime, check out the new posters below.
Star Trek Beyond opens on July 22, 2016.