The streaming service Netflix just released a trailer for their upcoming animated feature film Over the Moon, a movie that is heavily inspired by Chinese mythology and legends. The story of Over the Moon follows the journey of young girl named Fei Fei, who builds a rocket ship to travel to the moon and meet the Chinese moon goddess Chang’e. Once on the moon Fei Fei finds herself in a strange land full of fantastical beings. Over the Moon is also a musical and will feature several original songs. Netflix has already posted a lyric video for the song “Rocket to the Moon” on Youtube.
According to Movie Web Over the Moon is directed by animation legend Glen Keane, who is best known for his work on classic Disney movies like Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Tarzan, and Aladdin. Keane also directed the late Kobe Bryant’s Oscar winning short Dear Basketball.
The voice cast of Over the Moon is full of talented Asian American actors and actresses. The movie’s protagonist Fei Fei is voiced by actress Cathy Ang, and Broadway legend Phillipa Soo, who is best known for her performance in Hamilton, provides the voice of the moon goddess Chang’e. Other cast members include John Cho, Margaret Cho, Kimiko Glenn, Ken Jeong, and Sandra Oh.
Over the Moon is being produced by Netflix and Pearl Studios, and will be available on streaming on October 23.
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