Not to be outdone by its Marvel bretheren, the more proximate Thor: The Dark World got into the marketing action today with what figures to the poster that’s plastered around movie theaters everywhere. Take a look:
Well, it certainly accounts for all the major (and most of the minor) characters. Idris Elba’s Heimdall even appears to be floating, godlike, in the upper left. Though to be fair, that description carries very little weight in the context of this particular poster.

Is this the guy in the upper left. Um, no, it’s actually a blood elf from World of Warcraft. But he looks like he fits, right?
More interesting is certainly the elfin face in the background which both Elba and Anthony Hopkins (reprising his role as Odin) overlap. This is presumably Malekith, played by Christopher Eccleston (G.I. Joe). Other recognizable faces include Tom Hiddelston as Loki, Jaimie Alexander as Sif, and (of course) Chris Hemsworth as Thor and Natalie Portman as Jane Foster. You may notice her rather Asgardian attire; as the trailers have hinted, much of the plot seems to revolve around Thor’s attempts to protect Jane as she’s targeted by enemies of Asgard.
The only other truly notable part of the poster (aren’t Asgardians – left – and frost giants – bottom – sort of par for the course?) is the giant ship in the upper right, also seen in trailer demolishing some buildings as it comes rushing ominiously down to Earth.
Thor: The Dark World hits theaters November 8th.