Micheal J. Fox Reveals He Turned Down Role In ‘Ghost’

Micheal J. Fox sat down this morning to guest star in an episode of The View, initially there to talk about his new upcoming documentary Still. He instead shocked audiences and especially Whoopi Goldberg when he revealed his history of turning down a specific role, leaving Goldberg’s jaw on the floor. 

Are there any roles you regret turning down?- Goldberg in context to Still. 

There was a chance to work with you that I missed… They talked to me about Ghost early on. I said, ‘It’ll never work.’- Fox 

Fox admits to turning down a role in Ghost, which stars Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze, as well as Goldberg. Ghost was an extremely successful 1990s romantic thriller that ultimately won Goldberg an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. 

And then it was great, and huge, and I’m a f—ing idiot!”- Fox admits

Earlier in the week, Fox tells Variety that he simply couldn’t find a way to make it work. The film follows the lost spirit of a murdered man (Swayze) who is trying to protect his lover (Moore) with the help of a trusted psychic (Goldberg). 

I didn’t see how it would work… It shows I can be an idiot too.


Madeline Beardsley: Madeline is a third year student from West Chester University of Pennsylvania. She has a minor in film criticism and is majoring in news broadcasting. She enjoys going to the movies every week, as well as talking about movies to her peers. Madeline's main mission is to inspire others to go check out and talk about movies.
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