Cate Blanchett is joining the crew of an upcoming short film, but not as an actress. She’ll serve as an executive producer on Joe Weiland and Finn Constantine’s Marion. The film itself follows the only bull jumper out of France, as she tries to overcome the challenges of her field. The main star, Caroline Larbère, is actually a bull jumper off-screen as well, and, as Variety reports, the script was based on her own life. As stated, Blanchett will be sitting in on the movie as an executive producer alongside Sienna Miller. She has taken up that role in the past, for films such as Tár, Shayda, and Carol, among others.
As an actress, Blanchett boasts a hefty resume, starring in movies such as Eyes Wide Shut, Thor: Ragnarok, Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio, and even appearing in all three Lord Of The Rings films. She’ll also appear in the upcoming film take on Borderlands. One of her latest works, Tár, which she produced and starred in, even landed her a nomination for Best Actress at the 95th Academy Awards.
“The edge-of-your-seat directorial blend of reality and fiction still has my heart racing. I couldn’t be more excited to be jumping on board. Finn and Joe are a dynamic duo indeed,” Blanchett had to say in regards to the film.
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