One of the biggest movie events of 2021 was, without a doubt, the release of Zack Snyder’s Justice League on HBO Max. Whether we were interested in the work of its director or not, its eventual realization into a four-hour epic came to crown a fascinating phenomenon, where the fervor of the fans who had succeeded with the hashtag #ReleaseTheSnyderCut was only the tip of the iceberg. Thus, the new (and authentic) Justice League arrived leaving the family tragedy of the Sucker Punch director behind, which had led him to leave the production at first, along with the controversial way in which he had been replaced by Joss Whedon.
With the help of Warner, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator not only radically modified Snyder’s creative vision: he also created discomfort within the team as a result of alleged despotic attitudes that, thanks to Ray Fisher (Cyborg) blowing the whistle, triggered an internal investigation. Nowadays the figure of Joss Whedon has fallen from grace (many other voices, not only from Justice League, joined these accusations), but it isn’t something that seems to worry Jeremy Irons much. The actor played Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne’s butler, in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and then again in Justice League.
In an interview for Variety, Irons revealed he still hasn’t watched the so-called Snyder Cut, and he did so with hilarious sloppiness: he doesn’t even know if he owns a copy. “I think I have it and I haven’t seen it. I shall have to hunt it out and see if I have it somewhere online or on a DVD,” he states. “I remember talking to Zack before he did it and being very interested to see what he came up with. It couldn’t have been worse.” This last “couldn’t have been worse” prompted the interviewer to comment that the Justice League we saw in theaters was “dreadful,” so Irons confirmed that is what he meant. “Well, so did I.”
That is, Irons agrees that the Justice League that Whedon released in 2017 left much to be desired, to the point that anything Snyder could do about it would make it better. His remarks, on the other hand, seem to imply that his involvement in Zack Snyder’s Justice League (which required additional shooting) was minimal, and that he certainly isn’t thinking about being Alfred again. Since his master, in his Ben Affleck incarnation, has only one more DC movie left (The Flash, for November 4), it is logical to think that we have already seen the last of this complacent butler.