Sequels are commonplace in movies, and horror films are notable for their numerous sequels. Look at Friday the 13th, Halloween, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Hellraiser, and even Chucky himself as perfect examples. Numerous outings with more kills to add to the rising body count, but seldom are the sequels ever close to matching the first film that gave birth to the memorable slashers that we all remember. Wes Craven’s Scream changed horror cinema with its clever script, memorable killers, and iconic death scenes that we still remember. A sequel was inevitable; thus, Scream 2 was released on December 12, 1997, less than a year after the original.
The movie takes place two years after the events of Scream and sees a new killer stalking the college campus that Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell) is attending. Is it her new boyfriend? A stalker, perhaps? Or is Cotton Weary (Liev Schreiber) is bringing that unwarranted attention again? We are not sure, but a killer is loose yet again and enjoys taunting his next potential victim with those fun phone call conversations. Written by Kevin Williamson, the same screenwriter who wrote the first film, Scream 2 is a horror movie sequel that satirizes movie sequels and adds even more humor to the mix, all while being the classic whodunit slasher.
Returning cast members include David Arquette, Courtney Cox, and Jamie Kennedy. Of course, Scream 2 wouldn’t be complete without Roger L. Jackson, the voice of Ghostface. In honor of the film’s 25th anniversary, Scream 2 is back in theaters for a special two-day event. The film will be in theaters on October 9 and 10, respectively. Tickets are on sale now, so be sure to purchase them and experience one of the best horror sequels ever made.
Wes Craven returned to the director’s chair to helm the sequel. The film is bigger, smarter, and just as hip as the first film. While audiences were impressed with the first Scream, Scream 2 is sometimes considered a superior film to Scream. Either way you slice it, Scream 2 is a great sequel that is just as fun, offers more catchy lines of dialogue, and features new characters making new mistakes in the realm of a horror movie sequel. In short, Scream 2 is a lot of fun.
With the Halloween holiday just weeks away, everyone is entitled to a good scare, and Scream 2 is a worthy entry to watch this holiday season. Does anyone remember the rules to surviving a horror movie sequel?