Elijah Wood Producing Horror Movie Trilogy


Elijah Wood may be best known to the public for his lead role in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, but now he’ll be working on a trilogy of a different kind. Not in an acting capacity though; instead Wood, through his own company SpectreVision, will be producing a trilogy of horror films chronicling the childhood of a serial killer. The trilogy will, according to The Hollywoood Reporter, “explore the killer at the ages of 9, 14, and 18, culminating with him becoming an iconic mass murderer,” beginning with the first film, titled The Boy.

Horror, it appears, has been on Wood’s mind lately, considering in 2012 the actor starred in a remake of the horror film Maniac. SpectreVision itself has worked exclusively on horror films, including the upcoming Cooties – about a virus that turns children into crazed murderers – which Wood acted in. Cooties also features child actor Jared Breeze in a small role; Breeze is set to star as the prepubescent serial killer in The Boy.

Along with Wood, SpectreVision’s other heads Josh C. Waller and Daniel Noah are also acting as producers on the project. Craig Macneill will direct. Filming begins February 17.

If you’re a little more curious about The Boy, check out the screenwriter Clay McLeod Chapman’s novel, Miss Corpus, which is serving as the basis for the film.

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