Buckle Up for New ‘Locke’ Trailer and Poster


The tension is at full speed with the distribution of the new trailer for Locke, a thriller starring Tom Hardy, who takes part in multiple haunting phone conversations over the course of a harrowing car ride. The voices heard on the phone are coming from Olivia Colman (Hot Fuzz), Ruth Wilson (Saving Mr. Banks), and Andrew Scott (Saving Private Ryan).

Tom Hardy is best known for science fiction films, including Inception and The Dark Knight Rises. However, the role of Ivan Locke contrasts with that of Eames, a conman dream traveler in Inception, and Bane, Batman’s masked enemy in The Dark Knight Rises.  The entire 90 minute film takes place in a BMW, while illustrating the journey of a construction manager who is attempting to deal with his past through phone calls.

Although the single-location setting may not sound tempting, the amount of suspense suggested by this trailer is beyond belief. The poster details, “No turning back,” and audiences will have trouble not seeing the amount of positive reviews (the pic made its debut at last year’s Venice Film Festival).

Steven Knight, known for writing the Oscar-nominated Dirty Pretty Things and esteemed Eastern Promises, is attempting to grab audience attention in a less conventional way. This is the second feature film that Knight has directed and is already surpassing the response to his directorial debut, Redemption.

As mxdwn Movies has previously mentioned, Locke’s U.S. distributor is A24 Films, which has had a recent string of successful films, including Spring Breakers, Bling Ring, and The Spectacular Now. Although few plot details are evident, the voices, honking, and dramatically enticing music ensure just the right amount of conflict for the trailer to have appeal.

Clearly a race against time, Locke’s trailer and poster certainly seem to signal a movie headed in the right direction. Locke will be released on April 25 in the US.

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