As one of the most anticipated superhero films since 2012’s The Avengers, Avengers: Infinity War is set to give superhero fans a film like nothing they’ve ever seen before. Among the many reasons for such a boastful claim will be Marvel Studios’ decision to include nearly every hero in Marvel Cinematic Universe within this single film. From the original Avengers team to the Guardians of the Galaxy, anyone and everyone who has been brought to the big screen will be joining in the fight against Thanos. Inevitably, with a film on this massive a scale, it’s inevitable that the hype will cause production leaks.
While the newly released Infinity War photos, courtesy of JustJared.com (see the photo here), don’t give away much plot, they do highlight some details regarding the fate of two of the MCU’s latest additions. The first photo shows Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) a.k.a. Ant-Man on the run, either from Thanos’ forces or the U.S. government. While it’s not entirely clear what transitioned between Lang’s brief appearance in Captain America: Civil War and his current predicament, hopefully the film will be able to fill in some missing gaps.
The other photo focuses on Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), who seems to be in a more life-threatening dilemma compared to Lang (see the photo here). Unconscious and lying on his back, Strange appears to be at the mercy of some unknown figure in a mo-cap suit, presumably a servant of Thanos attempting to collect the six Infinity Stones. With the revelation last year that Strange’s Eye of Agomotto contained the Time Stone, it makes sense that he would become a target of the Mad Titan’s ambition to destroy the universe. As for Thanos’ current whereabouts, he has yet to make a true appearance in the franchise since acquiring the Infinity Gauntlet way back in Avengers: Age of Ultron.
Avengers: Infinity War is the 19th installment in the MCU and is directed by the Russo Brothers. The film is set for release on May 4, 2018.