Amazon MGM Studios released a new trailer for A Working Man today, starring Jason Statham as a construction worker who embarks on a violent quest to save a teenage girl. The film also stars Michael Peña, David Harbour, and Jason Flemyng. In the trailer, Jason Statham plays a former black ops agent named Levon Cade who retires and works in construction. When a teenage girl is abducted by human traffickers, Cade is forced back into the saddle to save her.
The film is directed by David Ayer, who also directed Suicide Squad (2016) and The Beekeeper. The latter is interesting since it is another action-packed vengeful romp starring Jason Statham as a retired special ops agent. The Beekeeper ended up grossing over $150 million at the worldwide box office, which is impressive for a January release. That film came out in January of 2024, so this means we will get another one of these just over a year later when A Working Man drops on March 28th.
The film was written for the screen by Ayer as well as Sylvester Stallone. It is based on the 2014 novel Levon’s Trade, written by Chuck Dixon. In the trailer, David Harbour’s character says, “You killed your way into this, so you’re gonna have to kill your way out of it.” That sums up what to expect from Jason Statham in A Working Man. The R-rated action thriller hits theaters on March 28th, 2025.