As the release date to the new Space Jam: A New Legacy movie draws closer, Warner Brothers has released some new footage. Screen Rant reports that the tv spot, which can be viewed on Twitter, shows off the Looney Tune character Granny. In the footage Granny shows off her old moves to her fellow Looney Tunes. Other scenes including an unfortunate Tweety bird getting trampled by a member of the Goon Squad, and Granny indulging in a half-time martini.
The character of Granny was usually voiced by the late great June Foray, who sadly passed away a few years ago. In this movie Granny will be voiced by veteran voice actress Candi Milo.
The plot of Space Jam: New Legacy will follow basketball legend LeBron James as he travels into the Seververse in order rescue his son from an evil algorithm literally named Al-G Rhythm. Along the way James crosses paths with the Looney Tunes characters. Together James and the Tunes must team up and play a game of basketball against the Goon Squad.
Space Jam: New Legacy will be released on July 16, 2021, and it will be available in both theaters and on the streaming service HBO Max.