On July 7, 2017, Brian Brown Easley entered a Wells Fargo bank with a mission. He handed a note to the bank teller. It read, “I have a bomb.” The film, Breaking shares a story of a Marine Veteran who wants his Veteran Affairs check of $892.
Breaking is based on a true story that not many people would know about unless they lived in the state of Georgia. The majority of what happened on screen took place in real life.
About a year after the incident, Aaron Gell reported the life and death of Easley. The article was titled “‘They didn’t have to kill him: The death of Lance Corporal Brian Easley.” It also recounted everyone involved and the steps leading to Easley’s ultimate demise.
It opens with Easley’s final moment of dignity before setting off a plan to get his money from the VA. After talking to his daughter Kiah (London Convington) and promising her a dog, he decides to start his end. His point wasn’t to rob the banks, nor was it to hurt anybody. He simply wanted to be heard. The setup of the film starts very quickly. One moment we are in a hotel room where Easley is contemplating his next step. The next, he is in Wells Fargo holding two women hostage, demanding a negotiator.
Abi Damaris Corbin directed the movie. She also co-wrote alongside Kwame Kwei-Armah for an exhilarating experience. Corbin and Kwei-Armah capture the true meaning of tragedy, but they don’t make it as a means of a cash grab or for tears. They made this film to educate people about what’s really going on with the VA.
The reason why this film works so well is John Boyega’s performance. In every aspect, it felt natural. The pain behind each breakdown, from Easley’s fits of frustration to the utter politeness he granted to everyone he interacted with, undoubtedly displayed who Easley was as a person. His personality did not change to show him as a hero or a villain. Rather, a person who lost hope. He had PTSD and other mental problems that caused him to behave differently. When watching, John Boyega will no longer be there; instead, Brian Brown Easley took over his body. His acting capabilities have sky-rocketed him to new lengths. If Boyega does not get nominated for an Oscar, that would be a crime within itself.
As the story unfolds, we see the crumbling police force working alongside the FBI, GBI, and the News reporters to sway what will happen to Easley and his hostages. Nothing was dramatized for the Hollywood effect, which made this even more haunting. Every law enforcement that was on-screen felt real. The uncertainty behind Easley’s next move had everyone on edge.
Each character served a role in the storytelling. The two workers at Wells Fargo are Estel Valerie (Nicole Beharie) and Rosa Diaz (Selenis Leyva). Both women displayed bravery and humility; each step they made pulled the audience into their shoes. Both women, at different times, wanted to help Easley, but at the end of the day, it wasn’t the money he wanted. He wanted the VA’s attention– it was a form of an apology. He wanted their money. What would you do in that situation when you begin to hear the story by Easley?
The late Michael Kenneth Williams played Sgt. Eli Bernard, the negotiator. He was the only one from law enforcement who wanted Easley to come out of this alive. Through the conversations between the two, it’s discovered that Bernard has had similar run-ins with the VA. These issues are not something new, and that’s why these scenes will touch the hearts of many. There are many ways to relate to Easley’s journey, and it’s not limited to Veterans. It will connect with people that deal with mental health issues daily, who are homeless when it wasn’t something they could have done differently, and even people that are trying to make the most of things and still not getting the outcome they deserve.
Breaking will open up conversations about the failures with the VA. When true stories are made correctly and with good intentions, it can cause a spark of conversations. There’s a clear message to Easley’s story. After many attempts to get his voice heard, it doesn’t work out. The VA doesn’t help veterans when they are needed the most.
It touches on all aspects of themes: family, heartache, isolation, mental health, and the failed American dream. And in each of them, the audience will see through the eyes of Brian Brown Easley.
Rating: 5/5
It’s not often movies are given perfect scores, but the story itself, along with the complimentary cast, director, and writers alike, shows what true art could do. This is a tear-jerker, especially in the final moments of the movie. It shows who Easley is deep down. He was a veteran, yes. He was also a father who needed help, and no one could give him what he deserved.
This is a tragic story that has not ended. As of today, Easley’s family has not been paid the $892. The movie was made to send a message to the world by giving more thanks to the veterans serving us every day.