There’s been much dispute about the future of the DC Cinematic Universe ever since the mixed reception that Zack Snyder‘s Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice received. Many of the complaints centered around the overly dour and gritty tone of the film, but those came mostly from critics. Warner Bros. has even altered the plans for the upcoming Suicide Squad, with recent reports that the studio is spending tens of millions to lighten the tone of the film, hoping to please a wider audience. The praise that Snyder’s epic had was the small role, and debut, of Wonder Woman/Diana Prince (Gal Gadot). The Amazon superhero is getting her own standalone film next year, and the first few set photos have just been leaked, giving us a decent look at what the final product may look like.
What’s been revealed about the solo film so far is that it will take us back to World War I, showing the development of Wonder Woman before she became the mighty power that we see in Dawn of Justice. The photos came from courtesy of UK’s Daily Mail and reveal many peeks at the heroine and USAF Steve Trevor (Chris Pine), as well the Amazon warriors that follow Prince. There’s definitely some visually dazzling designs of the Amazon warriors’ armor and weaponry, not to mention them looking spectacular on horseback.
The film is directed by Patty Jenkins, known for her Oscar-winning film Monster, which could bring a familiar dark tone to the story, but after the changes that DC is currently undergoing, it’s possible that it could end up being somewhat lighter than what was originally planned. Even so, Wonder Woman is lining up to be a pretty unique spectacle, with its only superhero rival being the retro Marvel film Captain America: The First Avenger.
A trailer probably won’t be released for quite a while, especially since the new images are some of the first real glimpses that have been given so far. Warner Bros. made a good decision in adding Gadot to Snyder’s film because there were reports of the majority of fans wanting to see her more than any other character, so the anticipation is definitely going to continue as the months go by for the standalone.
Wonder Woman hits theaters on June 23, 2017, and Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice is currently playing in theaters.