It is official, shown on the website Rotten Tomatoes, that Wonder Woman 1984 has been dipping below the rating of “Fresh,”even though the movie has more positive reviews than negative reviews. Currently the film stands at 60%, right on the threshold of “Rotten” and “Fresh,” and has been labelled “Rotten” twice so far.
Its predecessor was by far the strongest and greatest DCEU movie released in 2017. It helped to move some of the most iconic comic-based properties representing the most enduring and recognizable characters that DC fans have come to love out of the deep hole that pushed Marvel ahead of them.
During the coronavirus pandemic, WW84 was dropped on HBO Max along with a theater release at the same time and still was a successful theatrical release. The praise that Wonder Woman received was not as reciprocated for the sequel though, unfortunately.
The website had 377 reviews that were submitted, and out of that, 224 were positive reviews and 153 were negative. Just one percent off landed the sequel in the dreaded “Rotten” at 59% at the beginning of January, and it continues to fluctuate at that line as more user reviews come in.
The Consensus said, “Wonder Woman 1984 struggles with sequel overload, but still offers enough vibrant escapism to satisfy fans of the franchise and its classic central character.”