‘Thor: The Dark World’ Still Creating, Shooting Additional Scenes


Because it’s always a good sign when your director “could jam this [a new scene] in here,” meaning a place where no such scene existed in the shooting script, we cheerfully bring you the news that apparently Alan Taylor, director of Thor: The Dark World, is still shooting scenes with Tom Hiddleston, who plays Loki. The above comment comes courtesy of said director while speaking with Collider about the upcoming movie. “We’re doing full scenes, scenes that were not in the movie before,” said Taylor. “We’re adding scenes, creating scenes, writing scenes for the first time. We realized how well Loki was working in the movie and we wanted to do more with him.”

Among the other confidence-inspiring comments Taylor had to offer were these gems:

  • On where in the editing process the film is: “In the crazy, chicken running around with its head cut off phase.” He goes on to suggest that the the edit is the purview of Marvel president Kevin Feige, and that his involvement in post production is limited.
  • Hiddleston isn’t the only one still shooting – Anthony Hopkins, who plays Odin, still has a scene to pick up as well.
  • Marvel “sort of find[s] the movie” through the process of assessing the footage and the story after production and rewrites, as necessary, afterwards.
  • The edit is still trying to find the right tonal balance, particularly in the payoff to some relationships
'Thor: The Dark World' director Alan Taylor'Thor: The Dark World' director Alan Taylor

‘Thor: The Dark World’ director Alan Taylor

To be fair, Taylor does say that this is pretty much typical of Marvel’s process, and that rewriting and additional photography is something that the “preserve time and  money” for. Likewise, part of the editing process is certainly finding the right tonal balance. On the flipside, editing can only do so much for a story that could quickly become fragmented from a hodgepodge of rewrites. Maybe we’re just finding the whole method “hard to get used to.” Maybe…

Thor: The Dark World is out November 8th.

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