“Are you not entertained?!”
Marvel Studios has released the first teaser trailer and poster for their upcoming solo sequel, Thor: Ragnarok.
Directed by Taika Waititi (What We Do in the Shadows, The Hunt for the Wilderpeople), the film returns star Chris Hemsworth to the role of the mighty hammer-wielding, golden haired god of thunder. This time, however, the Avenger is robbed of the powerful Mjölnir, given a new haircut, and is enslaved by the the Grandmaster of Sakaar, played by Jeff Golblum (Jurassic Park, Independence Day), while his home realm of Asgard is destroyed by Cate Blanchett‘s Hela, the goddess of death. On Sakarr, Thor is forced to participate in deadly gladiatorial matches with ferocious alien beasts, save for one face-off between him and a beloved incredible “co-worker”.
The film appears to be a far departure from the “fish-out-of-water” plots of the previous Thor outings and embraces the fantastical settings beyond Earth and Asgard. The trailer also takes a page from Guardians of the Galaxy‘s book by including a rocking retro soundtrack from Led Zepplin and showing off all the bizarre creatures and worlds Thor and company will come across. Will Thor encounter the crew of the Milano at some point in this film?
Thor: Ragnarok will also see the return of Tom Hiddleston‘s Loki, Anthony Hopkins’ Odin, and Mark Ruffalo as Thor’s “friend from work”
This film is due in theaters on November 3rd.
Check out the mighty poster below!