Hiking in the woods was and still is a lot of fun. Exploring what nature has to offer, feeling the warm sun on your face and enjoying the sounds of whatever lurks deep in the wilderness. Wrong Turn (2003) changed all that, and while not one of the best slasher movies, seeing the mountain men attack innocent people with one in particular displaying a maniacal laugh filled us with enough fear in regards to exploring the woods alone or even with a group of friends. The debut film saw five sequels released over the following eleven years with the latest entry being released in 2014. Now a seventh installment is on the way, but has no connection to any of those sequels. We still aren’t sure if this will serve as a sequel or a “start from scratch” project.
The film’s original screenwriter Alan B. McElroy is returning to pen the screenplay to Wrong Turn: The Foundation. The plot is fairly simply although things have changed. A group of friends are once again hiking the Appalachian Trail only to be hunted by a self-sufficient society, known as “The Foundation”, a community of people who have lived in the woods for hundreds of years and are extremely hostile to outsiders. Mike P. Nelson is sitting in the director’s chair for this newest entry. From the looks of the trailer, this movie doesn’t display the cheap effects of the low budget direct-to-DVD sequels and appears to add quite a bit of suspense instead of your typical slasher flick.
The cast will include Charlotte Vega, Matthew Modine, Daisy Head, Emma Dumont, Adain Bradley and Bill Sage. Wrong Turn: The Foundation was due to be released this year but due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it was delayed until 2021. As of December 16, Wrong Turn: The Foundation will be playing in theaters in the United States for a one-day showing on January 26. The film was produced by Constantin Film along with Robert Kulzer (both of whom produced the original Wrong Turn). Saban Film will be distributing the film.
Tickets aren’t available as of yet, but be the lookout as the release date nears closer. So, are you ready to take another hike in the woods? Just be sure to stay on the trail and never go off the path, otherwise you’ll make a wrong turn and end up with more than you bargained for. Check out the trailer below!