Often considered one of the best sequels ever made, Francis Ford Coppola’s The Godfather Part 2 is returning to theaters in honor of the film’s 45th anniversary! Turner Classic Movies and Fathom Events are hosting a three-day special event where this film will be playing nationwide. Fans can relive the Corleone family again on the big screen, while the newcomers can experience a truly suburb gangster drama riddled with great moments, iconic scenes of dialogue and an ending that you’ll never forget. The Godfather Part 2 has it all.
Winner of six Academy Awards, including Best Director and Best Picture (the first sequel ever to win a Best Picture Oscar) and Best Supporting Actor for De Niro, The Godfather Part 2 is commonly ranked as one of the greatest American films ever made. Tickets are on sale now to see the film playing nationwide on November 10, 12 and 13th respectively. Don’t miss your chance to witness a sequel that does the impossible and surpasses the original- already a masterpiece and regarded by critics as potentially the greatest movie of all time- and offering insights to what can before. The Godfather Part 2 is essential for anyone who loves the classics of Hollywood cinema, especially gangster classics.