Confirmed today by Paramount, the sequel to the lackluster 2015 addition to the Terminator franchise (recently chosen as one of mxdwn’s least favorite films of the year) has been pulled off the their release date calendar. It looks like he won’t be back…
Originally slated for a May 19th, 2017 release date, the Terminator 2 slot has now been taken over by Dwayne Johnson’s Baywatch revival, but this shouldn’t come with that much surprise. Genisys was greeted by fans with generally less than favorable reviews as well as under $90 million in the domestic box office. In fact, the only Terminator movie this iteration made more than was the original.
Again, people have been anticipating this move by Paramount since no real progress has been made in either Terminator 2 or Terminator 3, June 2018. Maybe it was all just wishful thinking.
Did you enjoy Terminator Genisys? What do you think of the news?