Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem director Jeff Rowe signed on for a new deal with Paramount Animation. According to this deal announced on Tuesday, Rowe will have a first-look development contract where he can continue his pursuit into animated and live-action filmmaking.
Both Paramount and Rowe have shared their excitement over their deal and the future of the latter’s work for Paramount. Paramount Animation president Ramsey Naito expressed pride in Rowe’s work “breathing new life into [their] iconic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.” “I can’t wait for audiences to experience the next evolution of our incredible collaboration,” Ramsey gushed.
Rowe also expressed joy regarding the new deal and their future work together. Like Ramsey, Rowe is proud of how his film helped “reinvent the iconic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle characters” and is eager to see what the future holds. He complimented Ramsey’s open-minded nature regarding his film.“I’m grateful to Ramsey and the entire team for this opportunity,” he said. Rowe then joked, “This deal will pay me in money instead of pizza, and I think that’s gonna be a real game-changer.”
Currently, Rowe is working on the sequel for his Ninja Turtles film with a slated release date on October 9th, 2026.
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