Tato Kotetishvili Elaborates On New Film

While already spending time in the spotlight, director Tato Kotetishvili has already gotten the ball rolling on his next directorial effort. His first feature has started to make the rounds, and to great praise, at a few film festivals. Kotetishvili’s first film, Holy Electricity, saw two people who take up selling neon in hopes of snagging a product, as mysterious neon crosses start appearing in their city. However, the pair share differing views on whether they should continue, with one fearing that the path could lead them to something beyond their world. 

Holy Electricity has already proven to be a critical hit at the Locarno Film Festival, where it took home the Golden Leopard for its respective section. This upcoming week will see Holy Electricity play at the Sarajevo Film Festival. Variety had the opportunity to speak to the director while he was still in between festivals. They were able to ask about his new project, which will see a family’s trek to get to America through the eyes of a child, who doesn’t yet grasp the realities of the world. 

Reportedly, the film is inspired by Kotetishvili’s own life, even down to certain filming locations. “Every time I’m looking for characters and locations. Sometimes, the locations themselves give me the possibility [to shoot]. I follow my heart, my intuition,” he had to say. 

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Raymond Adams: 20 years old, aspiring writer, lives in New England, loves pop culture and all things movies.
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