When you go see a movie in theaters do you ever feel like the previews take too long? Or do you feel like there are just way too many trailers before your movie?
Well if you do feel this way you’re apparently not alone because, according to a survey conducted by the Hollywood Reporter, many movie goers are unhappy with the length of the previews in theaters. The results from the poll can be viewed here. According to the data, most theatergoers in America think that one to three trailers before a movie is appropriate. There are even some people who do not want to see any trailers play before a movie, which may or may not be too extreme.
Currently major theaters chains like Cinemark and AMC have an average of five to eight trailers before their films, according to Dark Horizons. Of course trailers are not the only things that theaters put before their movies. They also show advertisements for things unrelated to movies, as well as instructional videos that ask customers to be quiet and turn off their cell phones.
While this survey was conducted in August of 2019, movie fans have actually been complaining about the length of previews for years now. Unfortunately, trailers and ads are a good source of income for theaters so they probably won’t be going away anytime soon.