Mary Shelley’s classic gothic tale Frankenstein has been treated to countless movie adaptations from Hollywood dating back to the 1950s, with the two of the most notable renditions being James Whale’s Frankenstein (1931) and Bride of Frankenstein (1935). A 1994 Kenneth Branagh version saw Robert De Niro as Dr. Frankenstein’s monster, and movies like Van Helsing and last year’s I, Frankenstein took the monster’s story into the action genre.
Paul McGuigan’s (Push) Victor Frankenstein, starring James McAvoy (Atonement) as the titular doctor and Daniel Radcliffe (the Harry Potter series) as his assistant Igor, will be a more traditional adaptation. Jessica Brown Findlay (Winter’s Tale, TV’s Downton Abbey) will also star. Adapted by Chronicle screenwriter Max Landis, the film will follow Shelley’s story of Dr. Frankenstein and his creation of life. However, this version will be told from the perspective of Radcliffe’s Igor.
While discussing the eventual pronunciation of “Igor” with Entertainment Weekly back in 2013, Radcliffe revealed “It won’t be up to me, because it’s not actually my name for the whole film… so I’ll leave that as a tantalizing clue.” We’ll let your mind run wild with that information; however, it has not been revealed who will play the iconic monster.
The first image, courtesy of Empire, shows McAvoy and Radcliffe in character, contemplatively sitting in front of the mangled and reformed flesh that will soon be the monster’s full body. The second shows McAvoy pensively looking down on what looks to be a contraption of chains and pulleys presumably supporting the lifeless monster before the transition.
Victor Frankenstein hits theaters October 2 as a precursor to Halloween.