Back in the earlier 2000’s, a horror movie was released in Japan called Ju-On: The Grudge, about a vengeful spirit called an Onryō that’s born from a death sparked by powerful rage or sorrow. The movie was successful enough to warrant several sequels in Japan.
Eventually in 2004 American filmmakers made a remake of Ju-On: The Grudge which was simply titled The Grudge. This movie was directed by Takashi Shimizu and starred Sarah Michelle Gellar while being produced by Sam Raimi, creator of the cult horror/horror-comedy Evil Dead franchise and original Spider-Man trilogy starring Toby Maguire.Just like the Japanese version, Hollywood’s The Grudge followed the story of vengeful ghost that has a grudge (get it?). Though the American movie did not receive great reviews, it did achieve two sequels of its own.
Now, more than fifteen years later, a reboot of the American version of The Grudge is getting made. According to Collider, the movie is being produced once again by Sam Raimi, and Nicolas Pesce will be directing. The movie’s cast includes Demián Bechir, Betty Gilpin, Lin Shaye, John Cho, Jacki Weaver, and William Sadler. The Grudge reboot is set to come out in January of 2020, but the film’s first trailer has already been released. Check it out below: