It’s been 13 years since Nightmare on Elm Street released their latest addition to the franchise. Many fans have been waiting patiently for the next time they will see the iconic Freddy Krueger on screen. While Robert Englund has revealed he won’t be returning to this role due to physical limitations, he does have more ideas on how the story can continue. He believes the story can be revived by using aspects in the second and third films to manipulate and construct an even more terrifying revival.
I certainly think that they should reboot [A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors], because 3 has a ‘previously on Nightmare on Elm Street‘ sense to it, and it reunites everybody, and it is the fan favorite… You’d find out more people like Dream Warriors than any other film. And it’s a good script. The original script for that is terrific, and if you look at who wrote it, those people have Oscars now. And then I would love to do a cameo in it, maybe switch genders and play the Priscilla Pointer, Amy Irving’s mother’s role, the skeptical, cynical therapist who doesn’t believe they’re all having a common dream, a dream in common, a nightmare, a collective nightmare. I think that would be fun, a nice wink at the audience. It’s traditional in a remake to bring somebody back from the original.
Englund also began exploring how there are no limitations when it comes to Freddy’s appearance.
All people know about Freddy Krueger is that he’s disfigured from burns. They don’t go into great description of the claw, the glove, or the sweater, other than maybe the stripes. So the sweater could be a cardigan. The hat could be an old frayed baseball hat. The claws could have huge blades on them or little tiny sharp nails on them. We don’t know. Freddy could be taller… older… younger… fat… shorter.
Englund stated that he would love to see the story reconfigured and revived through exploration of CGI, that way the nightmare dreamscape can be retold in a more chilling way. He wants to franchise to continue whether that be with or without him.
I grew up in Hollywood.. and they’re going to remake it sooner or later. I think one of the tricks would be to find one actor that can go the distance, play Freddy over and over again.”