The latest trailer in anticipation of Wreck-It-Ralph 2: Ralph Breaks the Internet finds Vanellope getting advice from some of Disney’s most beloved princesses, proving once and for all the Vanellope is a princess herself. The second trailer dropped today, nearly five months before the sequel debuts in theaters.
John C. Reilly returns as Ralph, the large, lumberjack-type figure who still seeks to do more than just destroy things. This time, he must help Vanellope find the missing piece for her video game, Sugar Crush; but, that means venturing into the World Wide Web, aka the internet.
Ralph Breaks The Internet also stars the voices of Sarah Silverman, Taraji P. Henson, Jack Brayer, and Jane Lynch, with additional voices including the original disney princesses, Jodie Benson (Ariel), Paige O’Hara (Belle), Idina Menzel (Elsa) and Mandy Moore (Rapunzel), to name a few.
Directed by Rich Moore, Ralph Breaks the Internet will be coming to a theaters November 21, 2018. Watch the trailer below.