Transformers: The Last Knight is the fifth installment of the live-action franchise that started back in 2007. Based on the toy line of the same name that was created by Hasbro back in 1984. All films in the series have been directed by Michael Bay and have been major box office successes. This is slated to be the final film in the series directed by Bay.
Transformers: The Last Knight sees the return of Mark Wahlberg (Patriot’s Day), Stanley Tucci (Beauty and the Beast), and Nicola Peltz (Youth in Oregon), all of whom starred in the previous film of the series, Transformers Age of Extinction. Also returning are Josh Duhamel (Las Vegas), Tyrese Gibson (Fast and the Furious franchise), and John Turturro (Landline), all of whom starred in the previous three Transformers films.
The plot of this film will focus on the war between the humans and the Decepticons and why the Transformers keep returning to Earth, a truth that may alter our very history. The first international trailer was released and gave us a preview of the impending final battle.
The film is scheduled to be released on June 21st, and already is predicted to be a massive success. This marks the first film in the franchise to have a budget to surpass $250 million dollars. Steve Jablonsky, who provided the musical score to all films in the franchise is set to return to score The Last Knight.
So prepare for battle as Transformers gets closer to its release date. Check out the impending battle below with the first International Trailer.