Persistent ‘Star Wars’ Rumors Get Persistent Vagueries from Ford, Cumberbatch

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Harrison Ford (along with Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill) have been all but confirmed in J.J. Abrams’ new Star Wars movie for a while now. We say “all but confirmed” because whenever asked about it, Ford (for one) keeps giving answers like this:

Or this:

And then just last week there was this little doozy that’s now making the internet rounds:

What’s particularly interesting about the last one, of course, is the presence of Benedict Cumberbatch, another actor whose name seems to keep coming up in conjunction with Star Wars. The question here is whether his um-humming is just an attempt to be funny mimicking Ford, or (what we find more likely) an implicit confirmation that he is attached to the film in some capacity. We’re still waiting for the announcement from Lucasfilm that was supposed to be imminent a month ago, but with the clock ticking towards a production start early next year, we’re expecting a landslide of confirmed information at any turn.

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