Currently holding a 86% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, Robert Eggers’ Nosferatu has been striking fear into the hearts of many since its release. However, even during filming there were some frightening moments.
One of these moments involved Nicholas Hoult in a scene where his character is being chased by wolves. During the chase, his character was supposed to jump through a window, but Hoult unfortunately slipped. In an interview on Late Night with Seth Meyers he talked about his experience.
“There was one time where it was true fear. Where we have these wolves in the movie that were chasing me out of a window as I’m trying to escape from Count Orlok’s castle. And I’m like, running on the spot and getting hyped up before the take, and they’re being held back from me on leashes, barking, with death in their eyes. They want to eat.
And I was like, “Whew, okay, this is intense.” And then there’s a time where I run, and I slip, and I nearly didn’t make it out of the window as they’re chasing me, as they’re let loose. And I got out, but then Rob [Eggers] was like, “Cut, cut, cut. No, you pulled a silly face. We can’t use that.”
He was like, “Come watch, look what your face did.” And my face does go like, “Weeeh.” And I was like, “Yeah, that’s not great, but so you know, that’s real fear.” Because I realize, I didn’t ask what happened if the wolves, if the dogs got to me.”
Animals used on production sets are typically very well trained, so it is likely that Hoult would have been okay. However, it is easy to see how this would be a terrifying experience. Because while these dogs were highly trained, you can never truly predict what an animal will do.