New Documentary for Columbine Shooting to be Released

As 2019 will mark the 20th anniversary of one of the worst terrorist events of recent history, the 1999 Columbine High School Shooting, it will also be the time of release of a new documentary on the infamous event.

We Are Columbine is a feature documentary from Virgil Films that is directed by a survivor of the original shooting, Laura Farber, that will bring viewers and fellow survivors back to the high school to reflect on the impact of the event. With the recent string of tragic shootings that have occurred on school campuses in the United States, this feature, although dealing with an event from 20 years ago, is still extremely relevant today.

The documentary will delve into the impact the shooting has had on the surviving victims, families, and the school itself. As seen in the official trailer, some survivors are returning to the school’s halls and classes for the first time in years as they think back to the traumatizing events of that day.

Farber’s We Are Columbine will see a select theatrical release on the 9th of April, but will also be available to stream on VOD or for purchase on DVD not long after. It will also be possible to stream from Hulu on the 15th of April. The official trailer is available to watch below.

Robert Thornson Jr.: My name is Robert and I am currently an undergraduate student at the University of California Irvine. I am pursuing a B.A. in Film and Media studies with hopes to work in the creative industry. I have always had a passion for storytelling and since youth I've loved film. I grew up loving the movies of directors like Wes Anderson, Stanley Kubrick, Alfred Hitchcock, Martin Scorsese, David Fincher, and many more along with writers such as Aaron Sorkin and Quentin Tarantino. One thing I have always done is write about movies and communicate to others information about the "film community" and the industry as well as about the films themselves. I write creatively on a daily basis.
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